club penguin

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catalog cheats Nov. 09

You might notice other penguins having different cloths on and wonder where they got them. here is some cheats how to get them.

black cape

The Black Cape is hidden in the catalog where the halloween things are in the mushroom.

Red and Blue Viking hat

The Viking hat (red and blue) are were the penguins are sledding down the mountain. You can see the Dojo far away, click on that for the red viking hat and 3 times for the blue viking hat.

black mask

The black mask is where the penguin at work section is. Click on WORK


You might have notice that there is some ninja shadows in some places. One of the places is at the penguin lodge above the fireplace in the mirror. This might be a new clue to the next ninja mission.

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i needz more coinz

click below to go to then go to the money maker. select the amount of money u want.

u can only have up to 25000 coinz. then enter ur user and password. u now became rich.